1. The draft “Protection of the Emblem” law, which aims to protect the emblems of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, based on the Geneva Conventions and their third Protocol, has been referred to the Supreme Court.
2. A draft law on “international crimes” related to armed conflicts, in preparation for its harmonization with local laws, like many countries. This law contributes to establishing an internal legal cover for the trial of the citizens of the Kingdom and those covered by this law, away from international mechanisms that may have legal jurisdiction in the absence of such law locally, and it has been referred to the Supreme Court.
3. Approval of the training plan for the year 2021, which aims to prepare Saudi trainers in international humanitarian law in the relevant authorities.
4. The committee worked on a number of external partnerships, including partnerships with: the National Committee for International Humanitarian Law in the United Arab Emirates, the Arab Red Crescent Organization, and the International Red Cross.
5. It was agreed with several counterpart national committees to sign memorandums of understanding, during their meeting on the sidelines of the work of the Thirty-Third International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, and the committee is awaiting the Highness’s approval of the memorandum of understanding for partnership with the National Committee for International Humanitarian Law in the United Arab Emirates to be Guidance Memo for all agreements.
6. The permanent Committee approved organizing an international conference on international humanitarian law under the umbrella of the permanent Committee on International Humanitarian Law at the Saudi Red Crescent Authority for the year 2021 AD.
7. The Permanent Committee concluded several strategic internal partnerships, including the partnership with Naif Arab University for Security Sciences and the Ministry of Defense.
8. The Permanent Committee worked with its member government agencies to activate its role in disseminating international humanitarian law, through the training and human development departments to include international humanitarian law within their training programs, and work is underway to consolidate the relationship with several academic bodies in the Kingdom to intensify the teaching international humanitarian law within their academic programs, such as: Prince Saud Al-Faisal Institute, military institutes and colleges, and the Ministry of Education through higher education. There is also a plan to add some texts that refer to international humanitarian law, and there is a draft media plan in coordination between the committee and the Ministry of Information to intensify publication through the bodies and entities affiliated with it to shed light on International humanitarian law, and to host Saudi and international experts in international humanitarian law, and that broadcast and publication include introductory materials on international humanitarian law within specialized programs or in commentary on events.
9. The committee worked to prepare an audio-visual library of materials on international humanitarian law and uploaded it to the Permanent Committee link on the Saudi Red Crescent Authority website.
10. A recommendation was made that the committee’s members allocate space to introduce international humanitarian law on their media platforms, with the aim of expanding the scope of publishing and awareness.
11. A recommendation was approved that His Excellency the Chairman of the permanent Committee on International Humanitarian Law - in his legal capacity - undertake to make media statements, and comments on relevant events, which will give the Committee a greater media momentum.
12. Preparing a report in response to the request of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on topics related to women’s rights, security and peace, and the efforts made in the years 2020-2021 AD.
13. The draft Hanoi Action Agreement on “Strengthening the Role of Women in Building and Sustaining Peace: Moving from Commitment to Results” was studied, a report was prepared and sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
14. Three main meetings of the permanent Committee were held online in 2021, as well as several online meetings of the subcommittees.
15. The foundation course for international humanitarian law was held from 14 to 18 November 2021, and a number of (100) trainees from member agencies benefited from it in person.
16. Four seminars were held online as follows:
o Symposium on the Protection of Humanitarian Workers in Armed Conflicts on 7/16/1442 AH corresponding to (2/28/2021 AD).
o Symposium on the protection of children in areas of armed conflict on 28 Shawwal 1442 AH corresponding to (06/09/2021 AD).
o Symposium on the Covid-19 pandemic and international humanitarian law on 8/15/1442 AH corresponding to (3/28/2021 AD).
o Symposium on Contemporary Challenges to International Humanitarian Law - Modern Unmanned Machines - on 7 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1443 AH (October 13, 2021, AD).
17. More than (1,000) remote participants from all government agencies benefited from the interactive seminars held by the Committee at the national level in 2021 in the field of international humanitarian law.
18. More than (200) participants from some Arab countries benefited from the interactive seminars and lectures organized by the Committee at the regional level in 2021 in the field of international humanitarian law: “Kuwait, Bahrain, the Emirates, Jordan, and other national committees, members of the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization.”
The Permanent Committee’s participation at the international and regional levels in the field of international humanitarian law “2020-2021 AD”:
1. Participation in the virtual event organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Swiss National Committee entitled Voluntary Reports on the Application of International Humanitarian Law: Exchange of Experiences and Viewpoints, which was held on (1-3-7 June 2021 AD).
2. Participation in the regional virtual event of the Montreux Document Forum, which was held on (June 22 and 23, 2021 AD).
3. Participation of a number of committee members in the fourth conference, “Inter arma enim silent leges - The silence of laws when the sounds of weapons become louder,” which was held in Belgium from September 28, 2021, AD to October 1, 2021, AD.
4. Participation of several committee members in the (44th) round table meeting to discuss developments in international humanitarian law topics entitled “Pandemics, Armed Conflict, and International Humanitarian Law” on (6-8-13-15-September 2021 AD).
Activities of agencies members of the permanent Committee
There were tangible activities of several members of the Permanent Committee, namely:
First - Human Rights Commission:
Providing nine training programs in human rights (IHRL) and international humanitarian law (IHL) through the Human Rights Commission for 342 beneficiaries from government agencies and civil society institutions.
Second - Saudi Red Crescent Authority:
The number of training courses provided by the Authority reached 11 training courses for 1,493 beneficiaries, and they are as follows:
1) A training program in (the first course in international humanitarian law) online, in cooperation with the International Committee, for 264 beneficiaries.
2) A training program in (International Humanitarian Law for undergraduate students) online,
In cooperation with the Arab Organization for 269 beneficiaries.
3) A training program in (the first course of international humanitarian law) online, through the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, for 250 beneficiaries.
4) A training program in (International Humanitarian Law for Media Professionals) online, in cooperation with the Arab Organization for 58 beneficiaries.
5) A training program in (the second session on international humanitarian law) online, in cooperation with the International Committee, for 180 beneficiaries.
6) A training program in (International Humanitarian Law for workers in humanitarian organizations) online in cooperation with the Arab Organization for 90 beneficiaries.
7) A training program in (Principles of International Humanitarian Law) online, in cooperation with the Arab Organization - the Palestinian Red Crescent, for 92 beneficiaries.
8) A training program in (international humanitarian law) online, in cooperation with the International Committee, for 50 beneficiaries.
9) A training program in (international humanitarian law) online, in cooperation with the International Committee for 50 beneficiaries.
10) A training program in the (Foundation Course on International Humanitarian Law) online, in cooperation with the Permanent Committee for 100 beneficiaries.
Third - Ministry of National Guard:
1. Providing a training program in the “Foundation Course on International Humanitarian Law” through the Standing Committee on International Humanitarian Law for 14 military personnel and civilians.
2. Providing a training program in (international humanitarian law) through the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Institute for Diplomatic Studies for 4 military personnel and civilians.
Fourth - Ministry of Interior:
The number of students and trainees at the Ministry of Interior reached (83) trainees:
1. Providing an educational program in (international humanitarian law and international criminal law) through the General Directorate of Border Guards (Jeddah Academy for Security and Maritime Sciences and Studies) for 46 beneficiaries.
2. Providing an educational program in (criminal law) through King Fahd Security College for 22 beneficiaries.
3. Providing training programs in (a foundation course in international humanitarian law, a training course in the principles of international humanitarian law, and a training course in the principles of international law) through the General Administration of Legal Affairs and International Cooperation for 15 beneficiaries.
Fifth - Ministry of Education:
1. Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University, College of Sharia and Law.
2. Jurisprudence of International Relations course (Shariah 203).
3. Human Rights course (451).
4. Course on the principles of law and its interpretation (Qann 308).
Sixth - Ministry of Justice:
The number of trainees at the Ministry of Justice in the year 2021 in the Ministry of Justice was (17) trainees.
Seventh - Ministry of Information:
1. Providing a training program (international humanitarian law) through the Ministry of Information for trainees.
2. Providing a training program (human rights in international law and Islamic law) through the Ministry of Information for three trainees.
3. Providing a training program (the national and international human rights system and the scope of its application) through the Ministry of Information for four trainees.
4. Providing a training program (Foundation Course on International Humanitarian Law in cooperation with the Permanent Committee on International Humanitarian Law) through the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) for 14 trainees.